Wasgij | Difficult Jigsaw Puzzles

I absolutely *love* jigsaw puzzles, so when a new twist came out with the Wasgij puzzles from Ravensburg, I just had to get one.

I really like the images and the challenge of trying to figure out what the picture is.  Basically how it works is that you don't have a picture to look at when building the puzzle.  The picture that you see on the box is is a group of people and you are building what they are looking at.  Confused?  I built a little site on these puzzles.

Contents at a Glance

  1. Wasgij Puzzles | You've Got to Check The...
  2. Another 1000 Piece Wasgij...
  3. Wasgij | High Tide
  4. Additional 1,000 Piece Wasgij Puzzles
  5. Now for some 500 Piece Wasgij Puzzles
  6. Want to Cheat and see a Finished Wasgij...
  7. So What Do You Think of These Puzzles?
  8. Other Sites

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